Ultimate French Digital Verb Bundle | Distance Learning
Ultimate French Digital Verb Bundle | Distance Learning
This bundle includes all of my current (and future!) products related to les verbes. Please make sure to look through the "PRODUCTS IN THIS BUNDLE" above to take a look at the PREVIEW for each one.
Includes 25+ products to get your students practicing les verbes, with a variety of tenses:
- le présent
- le passé composé
- l'imparfait
- le futur simple
This bundle also includes Boom Cards for many of the products. Please note that the Boom Cards are the same or almost the same as the Google Classroom/Teams version.
Includes easy to follow instructions on how to upload to your Google Classroom™.
In order to use this product, students will require the following:
- A computer that supports Google Drive™ programs
- A good internet connection
- A Google account
***After downloading, you will have access to a PDF containing a link to the Google Slides™ document that can be found under the "How to Use" section.****
Please note that this is a DIGITAL RESOURCE. I would strongly recommend that before downloading this product, you are ensuring that you are comfortable and familiar using the Google platform and programs.
Let's connect! 🫶🏻
✨ IG: instagram.com/parfaitementparnell
✨ TikTok: tiktok.com/@parfaitementparnell
✨ Blog: https://www.parfaitementparnell.com/
The layout of this product is NOT editable. Please email me at help@parfaitementparnell.com if you notice any errors, or if you have questions or concerns.