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French Buoyancy Experiment - Faire une expérience! La flottabilité

French Buoyancy Experiment - Faire une expérience! La flottabilité

Regular price $3.00 CAD
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"Faire une expérience! La flottabilité" est une activité vraiment amusante pour les jeunes, car il faut qu'ils travaillent en équipes pour fabriquer un bateau qui peut soutenir le plus de billes que possible. Une petite peu de compétition et beaucoup d'apprentissage!


This resource aligns with the Grade 3 Ontario Science Curriculum for Forces Causing Movement. The download will include a two page activity that will have students communicate their thinking before, during and after the experiment. The questions promote critical thinking and challenge the students to think outside of just the task to really understand buoyancy.


In order to do this experiment, all the students will need is tinfoil, marbles, a large tub of water and any other materials that they would like to use for decoration. It was super exciting for them to count the number of marbles that all the boats could hold before they sank!


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